Friday, July 19, 2013

Jotaro Saito 2013-2014 Collection

I know I am most likely on the back end of the band wagon when it comes to finding out about this years seasonal kimono fashion lines, but I thought I would post links and pictures of Jotaro Saito's " Dress People" collection for this year 2013-2014.

To view more pictures and scan through Jotaro Saito's amazing body of visual, textile, and architectual work please visit the link below!

The "Dress People" line

 I really like this collection and the layering of different textures to create a soft modern-organic look. The patterns and color pairings remind me of what a bright, almost loud kimono ensemble looks like when someone is walking through the night time alleys of Kyoto that are lined with dark aged wood and soft lantern light. Every bright color gets muted, the garishness disappears and are replaced with dusky shadows and little shocks of color when the taxis rush by.

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